Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Remarkable Result

"Unusually good", "remarkable for any survey, especially for an SDA church", are just some of the comments from Ian Campbell the head of Natural Church Development for Australia as he looked at the results of our latest survey.

If you missed the presentation on Sabbath afternoon, May 8, here are the very abridged results. If you want more information, you can ask me, Pr Aaron or Alan Bowditch. I plan to cover the most important things in future emails.

Why was Ian so happy? The first reason is that our average went up from 31.9 to 48.7. That is 16.8 points, more than a standard deviation (15 points). He called this "unusually good".

Empowering Leadership, our previous minimum factor went up 21 points. We spent quite a bit of time on this so the increase was to be expected, but the size of the increase was "extraordinary".

What wasn't expected (by me anyway) were the increases in all the other health factors. Below is the list:

* Empowering Leadership +21
* Need-oriented Evangelism +30 (2 standard deviations)
* Holistic Small Groups +22
* Effective Structures +21
* Passionate Spirituality +18
* Gift-based Ministry +13
* Loving Relationships +9
* Inspiring Worship Service +1

Which is a "classic example of how focussing on the minimum factor has flowed over into all areas". Praise God!

This brings us to the new Minimum Factor: "Inspiring Worship Service". This is what we are going to concentrate on the rest of this year.

Photos from Inntravel.

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