Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Inspiring" Worship Service

The adjective, Inspiring, is what is measured in the NCD survey, not the worship service itself. The service may be very good in many ways, but it just isn't "inspiring" enough.

So what does "Inspiring" mean?

Inspiring means an enthusiastic sense of the direct presence of God and making a meaningful connection with Him.

So basically the worship service is good but people aren't able to say, "I really met God here today."

Now that's a pity because, for lots of people, the worship service is the only time in the whole week when they are open to contact with God.

It is also a pity because it may be the last time they are really open to contact with God.

Before beating up on ourselves too much, let's put it in the Natural Church Development perspective...

This result means that the major place we are getting in God's road, impeding the development of His kingdom in Toronto and preventing people coming to Him is right here, in the worship service.

He has been kind enough to point out our weakness and if we just get out of His road, He will fix this problem.

NCD reminds us that "the increase" comes from God. (I Cor 3:6,7) We just plant and water but the growth is from God (Col 2:19). When we work together with God, we will see healthy, sustainable growth in our church.

We did that last time with "Empowering Leadership" and just look at the results! Working with God is surprisingly good fun, I can't think of anything as rewarding as the last two years of NCD.

Next time I'll start to tease out the meaning of "inspiring worship service" and you will begin to see how you can get out of God's road (and get a front-row seat to the biggest game in the universe).

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