Thursday, June 24, 2010

OK Attitudes?

So why do we go to church? Why are you in the worship service each week when in the survey many of you say there are parts of it you don't enjoy?

Some reasons for church attendance might be:

To see my friends
It's a habit
It is a religious duty

These are OK reasons. Nothing wrong with any of them, but they are just the sideshow. If the main reason you attend church is social, habit or tradition, then it is no wonder you go home uninspired by the service. How can you be inspired if you are not expecting anything from the service?

Some more reasons for attending church, that do expect something from the service are:

To be inspired by my favourite music
To hear an inspiring sermon

These are also OK reasons but they are also setting you up for disappointment; you just don't get those things every week. And even more importantly, these attitudes prevent any inspiration that may come from something you don't "like".

We are going to spend quite a bit of time on this subject of the attitude you bring to church each week. Today, we will look at the attitude to worship displayed in Psalms 100:4.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name

Do you bring thanksgiving and praise with you to church each week? Or do you only have OK attitudes?

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