Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Vision Statement

Effective Structures require that "we know what we're building" (to quote Scott Thompson at the NCD presentation on April 9). That's another way of saying that we need to have a vision.

I had forgotten we had a Vision Statement for our church. Maybe you had too. So here it is. The statement was made in May 2005. You will be hearing a lot more about this.

Vision Statement

The Vision Statement of the Toronto Seventh-day Adventist Church is to represent Christ to all members of our community.

The Mission Statement of the Toronto Seventh-day Adventist Church is to be a community of committed members, who will foster spiritual growth in a vibrant Church, embracing all age groups.

Core Values
  1. Reach every person living between Rathmines and Fennell Bay with the good news about Jesus.
  2. Promote passionate spirituality through prayer and Bible study.
  3. All members to be involved in small group ministry.
  4. Preachers to be relevant to all age groups.
  5. Demonstrate honesty in beliefs and opinions.
  6. Encourage each person to recognise and develop his/her Spiritual Gifts.
  7. Recognise and nurture our youth to take an active part in the mission of the Church.

Some questions:
Do you like this vision?
Can you see where you fit in the vision?
Does it help you set priorities?
Does it provide guidelines for making decisions?
Is it exciting and motivating?
Have we left anything out?
Should we delete anything?

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