Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pastor Appreciation Day

We missed it!... And I'm upset!

The fourth Sabbath of October (last Sabbath) was Pastor Appreciation Day and we all missed it, especially Pastor Aaron. The General Conference Ministerial Association suggests,

...This is a wonderful time to let pastors know, in various ways, how much their spiritual guidance, encouragement, and leadership mean to the congregation.

... Hebrews 13:7 says, Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you," and we are encouraged to remember our pastor both in prayer and with our appreciation.

The Ministerial Association has some ideas on how we should do this not just for one day, but throughout the year, here is their list:

  1. Express gratitude for the pastor's sermons

  2. Support the pastor in unexpected ways

  3. Celebrate the pastor's birthday

  4. Recognise the pastor's accomplishments

  5. Organise a prayer team to pray for your pastor

  6. Always speak well of your pastor.

This fits in with NCD because one of the three parts of Inspiring Worship Service is that the sermon brings us closer to God. Pastor Aaron has a big job every time he preaches and prepares his sermons. He needs our prayers, public and private, and our gratitude when we are drawn closer to God by his sermons.

Homework: (because we all missed the big day)

Support the pastor in unexpected ways. No... I am not going to tell you how, then it would be expected, but if each of us used our imagination and sometime soon began this support... well who knows how "inspiring" it would be.

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