Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hallowed be Thy Name

The definition of an inspiring worship service is one where we meet God, so to be ready to meet God on a Sabbath morning we need to find out more about Him.

One of the best meetings at Big Camp 2010 was the morning meeting with Buffy Halvorsen where she went through the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-10) and expanded on the meaning.

Prayer is an important part of worship. In "Such a Heart" what we are to pray for before the worship service is outlined, but today we are going to look at the God that we are praying to.

In this second line of Jesus' model prayer (Matthew 6:9), He emphasises that God is holy.

What is holiness? How is God holy?

I'm not going to try to define "holy" except to say that it means that God is very different from us and so much above us.

Even His name is holy. Buffy listed some of the names of God, this was quite an experience. Here is a similar list of God's names. Just for fun read through it and be inspired over what God is to us. These names are not just advertising, God really IS what He says He is. If He promises to be "Our Peace", for instance, then He really can be peace for us.

By praying to our God using one of His many names, we are claiming the firm promise of what He can be to us. This is potent inspiration for worship.

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