Wednesday, September 7, 2011

40 Days

As a lead-up to our "Daniel, the man and his prophecies" seminar we are going through the 40 Days Devotional, designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him. The book ($10.95 from the ABC), with the daily readings and instructions, was used by one of the Re-Claim groups because one of the aims of the 40 days is to pray for specific people who we would love to have return (or come) to Toronto church. Aims of the 40 Days are for participants to:
  • experience personal spiritual revival
  • strengthen their daily devotional habits
  • personally reach out to 5 interests in community
It is designed to combine personal revival, corporate church revival with evangelistic outreach.40 Days ticks many of the boxes of an Effective Structure. It helps people experience Jesus and supports ministry to the church and community. But it also strengthens our fellowship because the 40 Days are best done with a prayer partner and combined with a mid-week prayer meeting.If you would like to participate here are the steps:

  1. Contact me by replying to this email and state if you want to buy a book and we will get a copy for you.
  2. Think of a prayer partner. Someone who you can easily contact each day for a time of prayer.
  3. Contact your prayer partner to encourage them to order a book as well.
  4. Join or, better still, host a mid-week prayer meeting where we will be debriefing what we have learned the previous week and pray for those on our lists and for the effectiveness of our church's outreach.
    We plan to have a Wednesday night meeting at church and, if we find appropriate places, in the Cooranbong, Maitland and Cessnock areas.
  5. If you feel impressed to offer your home, or know of a place suitable, for a prayer meeting please reply to this email.
  6. Ask God to show you who you should be praying for.

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