Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Structures To Reach "Our Community"

(from now on, every blog post will have a picture of an Effective Structure)

The Vision Statement of the Toronto Seventh-day Adventist Church is
to represent Christ to all members of our community.

Last time I asked you what it means to "represent Christ", today I'm going to move on to the meaning of "our community".

Our first Core Value define our community as "every person living between Rathmines and Fennell Bay", which sounds about right to me.

For a few moments, think about the people you know in this area. Try to imagine each one and what exactly you "represent" to them. When they think of you, how do they feel? What do they think about your religion, your church, your Jesus?

Still on "our community"...Do the people you know here have needs? What are they? What are you doing to help meet those needs? A major part of Jesus' ministry was meeting people's needs, if we are to "represent" Him, as in our vision statement, we will act like He did.

Another aspect... Do you know many people in the area? If you don't know many, how are you going to meet some more? What can you do that will bring you in touch with them? Once again Jesus is our lead here when he mingled with people to get to know them.

Toronto church has thought of a simple way to help you meet local people and meet their needs. As you have noticed, there is a Stress Seminar coming up followed by a Depression Recovery Program. We have a Creative Vegetarian Cooking and a Daniel prophecy seminar in the pipeline as well. The youth are planning another Project G.

These are not just a jumble of programs put on by the church. They are opportunities for you to invite people, especially people from Rathmines to Fennell Bay, along to the program that best meets their need. They are the vanguard of the "Effective Structure" we are trying to build into Toronto church.

Your part in the process of "reaching every person" in our community is simple...
1. Invite the most stressed person you know, to come along with you to "Cooling Down the Stress Soup" on May 30. Or invite someone you know who has depression to an orientation night for the Depression Recovery Program on June 6 or 14.
2. If you don't know anyone who is depressed or stressed bring your Toronto friends and come anyway.
3. If you don't have any friends (depressed, stressed or otherwise) from the Toronto area, come along on these nights to meet some of the people in "our community" and get to know them better.

Give it a go. You might enjoy it, I am.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

To Represent Christ?

The Vision Statement of the Toronto Seventh-day Adventist Church is to represent Christ to all members of our community.

  1. What does "represent Christ" mean?

  2. What do we have to DO to "represent Christ"?

  3. What do we have to BE to "represent Christ"?

  4. And lastly, how successful are we at representing Christ right now? Are you happy with how the church represents Christ? Are you happy with how you represent Christ?

I'd really like you to think about these questions. If this vision statement is going to inspire and give direction to our church, we need to know what it means.

Sorry, I'm not going to give you my attempts at answering those questions until next week. Think about them in the meantime. That's hard work, I know. Pray about them. Talk to me about them. Talk to each other.

Representing Christ is the centre of what we say we are here for. Doing a good job at this determines whether we win or lose.

I'd love your thoughts.