Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Bothers You About Toronto?

The Vincent brother's have already started filming for a documentary about the NCD process at Toronto. The 28 minute video will be used to promote NCD at a NNSW Conference Minister's Meeting in mid-February 2011 and eventually be shown world-wide on Hope Channel.

As we look back over 2010, this documentary is just one of the many unexpected blessings for Toronto church this year. At the church board meeting last week we were challenged to list changes at Toronto. Here is the list the board members came up with:

  • Youth are empowered and organised

  • Youth breakfast on Sabbath morning. Sometimes even a hot breakfast!

  • New earliteen Sabbath School

  • Children's Ministry has grown

  • Children's Story time has kids filling the whole area in the front of the church most Sabbaths

  • Kid's Clubs successful

  • More cohesion in the church - people work together

  • Luncheons very successful each Sabbath increasing fellowship

  • New small groups

  • FAST course enjoyed by even more people

  • Sincerity

  • Attendance is staying high - we aren't scaring people away

  • Lots of visitors

  • Women's Ministry has grown and so have the number of people helping

  • Worship services and sermons are more inspiring

I'm sure you could come up with even more good things to go on that list. Send anything we have missed along to me and I will put it in the next edition.

You may have noticed that everything listed was positive. That is good, but there are negatives at the church as well. I'm sure you can see things that should be improved around the church. Please send those in to me as well.

What bothers you about Toronto? Let me know so it can go in next time, anonymously of course.

Just to help focus your mind here are the NCD quality characteristics:

  • Empowering Leadership

  • Gift-based Ministry

  • Passionate Spirituality

  • Effective Structures

  • Inspiring Worship Service

  • Holistic Small Groups

  • Need-oriented Evangelism

  • Loving Relationships

The board members were also asked to guess which would be our Minimum factor from this list in next year's survey. Currently it is Inspiring Worship Service (which is why I'm glad the last item was on the "Changes List above - we are making progress). What do you think will be the minimum factor? Let me know.

I have asked you three questions today:

  1. What positive changes have occurred in Toronto in 2010?

  2. What bugs you about Toronto? What can we do better?

  3. Which of the health characteristic do you think will be our minimum in the next survey (due the end of January)

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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