Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Is there a special blessing available to Sabbath keepers that is not available to those who worship on Sunday? And what does this have to do with Inspiring Worship Services?

One part of the blessing is that Jesus is especially close and wants to give us something:

All heaven is keeping the Sabbath, but not in a listless, do-nothing way. On this day every energy of the soul should be awake, for are we not to meet with God and with Christ our Saviour? We may behold Him by faith. He is longing to refresh and bless every soul. {6Testimonies 362.1}

I thought that Sabbath was especially for this earth but it is kept in heaven too. I knew from Isaiah 66:22,23 that in the new earth we would go up to the New Jerusalem (heaven) for Sabbath worship but I didn't realise that this is already happening now. Maybe it is to honour the humanity of Jesus and the few other humans already there. It shows how interested God and His angels are in what happens here. It shows that heaven and earth are very close.

It doesn't seem to be an apathetic, pew-warming, service either. "Every energy of the soul" is actively engaged, paying attention, breathing in the blessings, breathing out praise.

"Awake"! Sabbath is no time for drowsiness, just look at Who we are meeting. And "by faith" we can see Him.

So the first advantage is that if we wake up and jump into Sabbath worship we are joining all heaven. That means we have an appointment with our Father and our Saviour and are refreshed in a way that can't happen any other time or with any other "congregation".

Is that inspiring?

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