Sunday, November 13, 2011

Effective Structures in Eden

What did God set up in Eden to effectively grow His relationship with humans, strengthen their fellowship and support their ministry?

I can think of three things:
  1. Marriage
  2. Sabbath
  3. Walks together in the "cool of the day"
Marriage, and family as the children arrived, obviously strengthened fellowship.
God's intention in providing marriage and family was made plain when he talked about Abraham being chosen "in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him" (Gen 18:19)

And what had God spoken him? ... "(I)n you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Gen 12:3). One family, well conducted, blesses not just the family members but every other family in the world. That's effective!

A family conducted along Eden's lines is a powerful fellowship tool.

Family also improve its members relationship with God in family worship times and on Sabbath. And of course marriage was essential for the "be fruitful and multiply" part of human ministry.(Gen. 1:28)

The Sabbath seems, on the face of it, mainly to strengthen human relationships with God as they spend 24 hours with their Creator. A day when God is the main focus of our minds and speech is still a wonderful tonic to our relationship with him. 

Family was also a focus of the Sabbath hours, so fellowship grew as well.

The walks in the cool of the day must have been glorious as Adam and Eve showed off their day's efforts in the garden and in ruling the animal kingdom. Like the proud "parent", the Lord would have joined their excitement and encouraged their plans to "fill the earth and subdue it"... whatever great things that meant (Gen. 1:28).

So these walks were the way that God effectively supported Adam and Eve's work and ministry in the world.

God set up some incredibly effective structures to grow His "church" in Eden. Next week we will begin to look at the structures He set up to return His church to the Eden state.

Effective Structures - Revisited

How are we going at understanding "Effective Structures". I was asked to explain the concept just last week... and I'd forgotten one of the 3 main points!

Time for some brushing up.

Our church has structures, which is good... but are they effective?

Effective Structures assist the church to grow in 3 areas:
  1. They help people experience God.
  2. They strengthen fellowship
  3. They support ministry to the church and Toronto.
To be effective, any department, program or position in our church must assist in one or more of these areas.

Think about your involvement at Toronto. Are you strengthening fellowship, supporting ministry and helping people experience God? I hope you are... but as Effective Structures is the weakest part of Toronto church, there are probably some areas where you could do better.

Keep this at the back of your mind over the next few weeks as I take you through some of God's Effective Structures.