Thursday, August 25, 2011

Principles of Quality Coaching

Quality coaching at least doubles your fruitfulness. - Bob Logan (author of Coaching 101)
Coaching answers these questions:
  • Where am I?

  • Where do I (and God) go next?

  • How will I get there?
The 3 Rules of Coaching:
  1. Don't give advice.

  2. Don't tell people what they can discover on their own.

  3. Don't fix their problems for them.
The 3 Rules Re-stated:
  1. The person being coached does the work.

  2. The person being coached does the work.

  3. The person being coached does the work.
The Coaching Process
is the flexible application of these 5 principles:
  • Relate - establish coaching relationship and agenda

  • Reflect - Discover and explore key issues

  • Refocus - Determine priorities and action steps

  • Resource - Provide support and encouragement

  • Review - Evaluate, celebrate and revise plans
We will look at only one part today


The 'relationship' gives coaching its power.

We relate by:

  1. Listening

  2. Asking good, open-ended questions
Rules of listening:

  • Focus - undivided attention

  • Summarise - reflect without interpreting, evaluating, guiding or projecting feelings

  • Invite - ask for more

  • Unpack - their ideas are more valuable than mine.

  • Clarify - "So far I'm hearing you say ... Is that correct?
Open-Ended Questions:
  • Not "yes" or "no" answers

  • It is an advantage not to have all the answers. Don't be the expert.

  • Follow the Spirit's leading. Ask, when you feel impressed, even the 'strange' question.
Here are the 'Good Questions' we ask at the start of the relationship:
(You can answer these for Sabbath afternoon:)
  • What is your deepest passion? What really satisfies and fulfills you?

  • What energises you? What drains your energy?

  • What legacy do you want to leave? What do you want to be remembered for?

  • What are your strengths? What are your gifts?

  • What's one thing you'd like to change about yourself?